Over the last 7 years, but particularly 18 months, the demand on the “Sleep Fairy” services have grown and grown. As a result, I have had to recruit more Sleep Fairies to make it possible to help all of the families who need help with their children’s sleep, eating and behaviour. Thankfully, Sarah Quick and Liz Ferris were able to join the team, with their many years of training and experience in childcare, paediatrics and education, meaning that between us, we are able to see all of the families who come to us asking for help. And even though I am going to cut back on my workload over the next few months whilst I have my baby, we will still be here to help. I am at the end of a phone/email and the other Sleep Fairies are around for home visit, Skype consultations and general support.
Both Sarah and Liz have already worked with numerous families, and are doing a brilliant job. Just this weekend, I received a text message expressing one mum’s “eternal gratitude” for the help she received from Liz just 10 days ago. And last week the praise was on Instagram thanking “the incredible Sarah” for getting a stubborn and very tricky eater, eating “everything and anything”!
Sleep Fairy and Parent Rescue has been my own venture, and has taken time and effort to build over the years, so letting go of some of the control and some of my clients hasn’t been easy, but it has certainly been made a lot easier knowing that Sarah and Liz both have so much experience, and the same beliefs about parenting. On top of that, they are both patient, empathetic and understanding of others, in the same way that I am. I will continue to guide them so that all of our clients benefit from the Sleep Fairy techniques that we have become so well-known for. But I have total faith in them both!